Il Piccolo Blog

What style to decorate your home?

The style of furniture, a basic element

When you find the house of your dreams, one of the first steps to making it really yours is to think about the furniture. Beds, sofas, curtain colours, there are many details to decide on. A ritual, especially for couples, is to go to the shops to choose every little piece of furniture, making each one an object that will go down in family history. But what style should you choose to furnish your home?

Obviously there is no right answer. Everyone must decide according to their own taste and what they love. The house in which you live certainly has a certain influence, because it is difficult to think of furnishing in an antique style in a minimal and very modern flat, with lots of domotics, or in a mountain chalet style house you will rarely see the essentialism of the very modern style.

First of all, it is useful to know the styles and their characteristics, in order to know how to orient yourself to create the home of your dreams. Of course, once you have chosen the style with which to furnish your home, you will need to be consistent and buy furniture, furnishings and fittings that match it.

Furnishing in a rustic style: warmth and cosiness

Returning to the example of the chalet, the best style is probably the rustic style, a style that gives a feeling of warmth and cosiness. Elements offered by nature are used, furniture reminiscent of stone or wood masonry is not disdained at all, along with raw and natural fabrics such as linen, cotton and wool. The difficulty to pay attention to when choosing this style is not to make the environment suffocating.

Retro and vintage are not synonymous

The rustic style winks at retro and vintage, which are very fashionable these days, but are by no means synonymous. A house furnished in a retro style recalls a house of the past in every way, while in the vintage style the furnishings are a mix of modern furniture and others that recall the past, with a balance that must be carefully studied. It must be said that those who want to furnish in a vintage style can be very creative, depending on the period and the culture they want to draw inspiration from. Themed flea markets are places where you can easily find furnishings and accessories that are perfect for your vintage style. The many possibilities available risk disorienting you, making you opt for combinations that do not go well together: here you will need skill and above all good taste.

The urban style, suitable for furnishing large lofts and open spaces.

In the 1950s and 1960s New York saw the birth of the industrial or urban style of furnishing, which was used to reclaim old, disused buildings and, as the term suggests, was inspired by old factories, with iron, wood, metal, cement and exposed brickwork. There should be visible pipes, visible ventilation systems, windows supported by corten steel frames, perhaps rust-coloured. It is suitable for lofts and open spaces, especially if they are very large and airy.

Minimal style, a functional and essential way of furnishing a home

The minimalist style has become very popular in recent years and is often found in large modern spaces where there is no separation between rooms and where foldaway kitchens are often used. In fact, the choice is for essential and functional furniture, characterised by simple and clean lines. It is important not to add too many objects. The colours generally range from black to white, playing with grey and light.

The timeless classic style

The classic furnishing style, which brings with it timeless refinement and elegance, never goes out of fashion. It is characterised by shades of white, ivory and cream, all of which are understated and discreet. The furniture is often lacquered or made of wood.

And for those who can’t decide, there’s fusion.

For those who can’t make up their minds, there is also the fusion style, where you can mix and match a bit of every decor. What are the limits? Good taste, but there are so many solutions.


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