Il Piccolo Blog

Elegant, bright and suitable for every context, with the shiny white kitchen you can never go wrong

shiny white kitchen

Kitchen design is important

The kitchen is one of the central rooms in the home, if it is true that we not only cook but also live together, from the conviviality of preparing meals in company to having an aperitif together. All this is facilitated by the new conception of modern flats, which for reasons of space or design are open-plan, where the kitchen is precisely one with the living room. This is a detail that inevitably leads to it being removed from the context of a separate room where you just work and assume greater attention to detail and design, because it is seen by guests. Of the many possible solutions, the shiny white kitchen is elegant and refined!

An option that is good for…

It is an option that goes well with every style, from the most luxurious to the more jaunty and youthful of homes designed to be functional and adaptable to various needs. It adapts to more classical contexts and to more modern ones, it is good for large spaces and for smaller ones, which indeed it makes seem larger. In short, the shiny white kitchen always pleases and has no contraindications: it really can be placed anywhere!

shiny white kitchen

White never fades

Especially when it comes to very modern and minimalist interior design, coloured kitchens have become popular in recent years. Often they opt for one colour or a combination of two (but no more: if you want to include a third colour, you can possibly do so in the accessories). Those who want to be daring can also go for bright colours such as red, green or blue, on their own or in combination with, for example, white or natural wood. These are bold and original choices, but it has to be said that with shiny white kitchen you really never go wrong. You combine originality, design and elegance, with a touch of sophistication. What more could you want? Moreover, if you look at the history of interior design, you can see that it is a truly evergreen choice that never goes out of fashion. White used to be the colour of choice, gloss has been introduced over the years, thanks to techniques such as lacquering wood, and is destined to remain fashionable for many years.

The special features of the glossy white kitchen

What are the best features of a kitchen that is both white and glossy? As mentioned, first and foremost elegance. It gives an incredible feeling of harmony and serenity, which fits perfectly into the concept of the classic kitchen, where symmetry and order are sought after, and the modern kitchen. White par excellence is a colour that rhymes with brightness: if with other colours, black in primis, one must be careful not to weigh it down, the shiny white kitchen is clear and enhances both natural and artificial light, an important aspect from both a practical and aesthetic point of view. The surfaces bounce light. In addition, it has the unique ability to look good in large spaces and make smaller ones seem more airy.

shiny white kitchen

White and glossy is perfect for every material

Kitchens, you know, come in every material. And white goes well with any. It goes with wood in more classic settings, and a well-made lacquer with a glossy effect only adds to the sophistication. It is perfect for modern materials such as steel or Fenix. It can be combined with other colours, from the natural colour of wood to black and even colours like red.

Choosing a white shiny white kitchen is therefore a safe bet, combining style, brightness and elegance, whatever your style. Flaws? There aren’t any: it’s true that a knock or a stain is very noticeable, but at the same time they are easy to clean and maintain, it just takes effort.

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Il Piccolo, a second generation family-run joinery, opens its own showroom in Lugano. With over 50 years of experience, Il Piccolo brings with it a wealth of technical and design knowledge of the highest level, thanks to the numerous interiors designed and furnished all over the world. In particular, Il Piccolo has a wealth of experience in the design and production of several corner wardrobe models. Finally, Il Piccolo represents the world’s most prestigious furniture brands.
Our company designs, manufactures and sells the best of made-in-Italy interior design, following the customer from the design to the realisation, delivery and installation of the work, supplementing the process with a precise and professional assistance service. Looking for the ideal corner wardrobe for your room? CONTACT

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