Il Piccolo Blog

A open walk-in closet for those who want to display their clothes or have little space

open walk-in closet

With a walk-in closet comfort and design

A walk-in closet is not only a solution suitable for those who do not have much space available, but since it leaves in evidence the clothes and what is inside the cabin itself, it can become an element of design. That is, you can decide for a walk-in closet if you like your clothes to be highlighted and seen. They will no longer just be stored inside the walk-in closet, but will become an integral part of it. Of course, you cannot aim at that point only at the convenience of putting everything you can in the walk-in closet but you have to play with the order, highlighting the clothes in a studied way. The walk-in closet is therefore a perfect idea for those who particularly love fashion and want to display their wardrobe!

The walk-in closet without doors

The main difference between an open walk-in closet and one of the so-called classic ones (which is a very vague term anyway, given the huge possibility of choice linked to this type of furniture) is that an open walk-in closet has no doors. An open walk-in closet can also be defined as a solution which does have doors but which is made of transparent materials such as glass (the smoked glass solution is very elegant).

Both linear and horseshoe-shaped walk-in closets, as well as corner ones, can take the shape of an open walk-in closet. When choosing a walk-in closet, it is important to take into account the size of the room where the walk-in closet will be placed and how many walls it will be placed on. In fact, for the horseshoe solution you need three, if you have little space and you have a corner that is not used in any other way, you can opt for the angular shape. Do not forget that compared to a model with doors, the open cabin will have a smaller footprint. This may be one of the reasons for choosing it, but precisely it can also serve as a design element, with the exposed clothes.

Styles and materials for your open walk-in closet

An open walk-in closet can be integrated with any furnishing style, thanks to the wide choice of shapes and materials.

In the case of a room designed to be minimal and essential, a perfect solution is an open walk-in closet with modern materials such as metal, maybe with square and regular shapes. A particular detail that creates a unique atmosphere in a room furnished in an industrial and contemporary style is a fabric panel that is located where the door could be. For a more classic room, the hypothesis of wood never goes away, even for an open walk-in closet. You can play with a large number of types of wood, from the most solid and resistant ones to the lighter ones, with many possible shades, to adapt them to the other furniture that make up the decor, for example the white typical of the shabby style. Also in this case, the presence of fabric elements, perhaps similar to the renders, gives an extra touch, while not forgetting that the real charm of a walk-in closet is the clothes on display.

How to place clothes with class in an open walk-in closet

They must be placed in the space with criterion. Not only should a method be chosen that allows you to put as many clothes as possible in a small space (how many times do you do this with a closet, putting in everything and anything, maybe even items you never use?), but also an aesthetic criterion should be followed. To facilitate both the order and the quality of the display, hangers, shelves and modular shelves can be used in a walk-in closet, capable of increasing the sense of geometry when it comes to a linear structure. And in the morning, it will be easier to find your clothes!

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