Il Piccolo Blog

Tips, colours and materials for a natural wood kitchen that tastes like family

natural wood kitchen

Wood, a timeless classic in the kitchen and the rest of the home

The kitchen was for many years the beating heart of the home, where women even spent a good part of their day. This is no longer the case, but recent years have seen a resurgence in the conception of this room not only as a place to prepare meals but as a space where everyone can cook and live together at the same time. When furnishing a home, therefore, the choice of furniture and technology for one’s kitchen is quite important, as in most cases one tries to combine practicality and beauty. A popular option that suits every home is a natural wood kitchen.

This is a material that has been used for various pieces of furniture throughout the home since time immemorial, due to its undeniable positive characteristics. As far as the kitchen is concerned, it is also an nothing else practicality, aesthetics and a sense of human warmth and home-from-home that always gives an extra option used in both classic and ultra-modern models: it never goes out of fashion and combines like touch to a home.

The natural wood kitchen is eco-friendly. Be careful how you clean it

Choosing a natural wood kitchen means installing something extremely eco-friendly that respects the environment, does not cause damage to it while being manufactured and at the same time even reduces the level of toxins in the home. The latest trends focus on all things eco-frienldy, and wood, which has always been an evergreen, is certainly one of the materials that are in vogue and popular.

The only disadvantage of such a choice is that wood is delicate and must be kept with care, taking care not to damage it with knives, for example, and to clean it properly (no alcohol, for example). It can be combined with other materials, from marble and glass to steel, metal and Fenix.

natural wood kitchen

The different types of wood (and colours) for your kitchen

A natural wood kitchen not only enhances the characteristics of wood but also its colour. In fact, it lends itself very well to being coloured, giving a very wide choice of colours, and also lacquered, but it can also be left natural, exactly as it is found in woods and forests. There are various and numerous types of wood used for furniture and kitchens, and each has different characteristics and merits.

In particular, for kitchens, we use walnut, which is resistant and valuable, oak, characterised by its hardness and resistance over time, fir, rich in knots and therefore very fascinating, chestnut, with veins that create a unique effect, cherry, although in recent years it is less present in this type of room, and maple, which is light with pinkish hues. The choice, as you can see, is wide. If one’s natural wood kitchen responds to the classic style, one usually opts for woods with light and bright colours. Among those mentioned, walnut is very popular, which has recently also been declined in modern contexts. When kitchens, on the other hand, are modern and contemporary, there is a tendency to want woods in stronger colours.

A harmonious and delicate combination is that of a natural wood and white kitchen. It is a question of combining the delicate colours of light wood or the stronger colours of a slightly darker material with the shade that brings brightness by definition. You will give light to a combination that can create a corner where you can spend intimate time with your family, enveloped in invaluable domestic warmth and an aura of harmony.

natural wood kitchen

If the home is all about nature

A natural wood kitchen fits in well in a home that is totally furnished with a focus on the call of nature. In that case, natural materials will be used in every room and the shapes will tend to be geometric and clean, with the aim of creating a bright, serene and cosy environment.

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