Il Piccolo Blog

Modern suspended kitchen: a touch of style for a furniture that characterizes the entire living area

Modern suspended kitchen

The proposal to install a modern suspended kitchen convinces more and more people.

This kitchen configuration is perfect for homes furnished in contemporary style and has several advantages, which make it an alternative to be considered if you are furnishing a new house or if you are organizing a renovation. However, there are also constraints and possible disadvantages to keep in mind and to evaluate carefully. Let’s try to shed some light on one and the other.

What are the characteristics of modern suspended kitchens?

Modern style suspended kitchens are the ideal choice for those environments where the furniture is designed to give a sense of lightness and essentiality. In this type of kitchens, the different modules are installed on the wall, in a raised position above the floor.

Depending on the structure of the room, the installation can be directly on the wall, if the kitchen is placed on the load-bearing wall, or you can resort to the help of support feet, which help to discharge part of the weight of the furniture and appliances on the floor. In both cases, visually, the kitchen appears raised from the ground. And this gives a distinctive and original look to the room.

When designing a modern suspended kitchen, you can choose whether to install all its components in suspension or you can decide that only some modules are suspended.

A modern suspended kitchen is a solution that works very well in open-plan environments and, in particular, in those spaces where there is a visual continuity between the kitchen and the living area.

One of the winning features of suspended kitchens is their ability to combine aesthetics and functionality. The fact of having modern style furniture raised above the floor enhances the simple and clean lines of the kitchen design and brings out the brightness of the room. Even when the kitchen is obtained in small rooms, this type of installation allows you to make the entire room seem larger and more spacious.

What are the pros and cons of suspended kitchens of modern imprint?

The aesthetic aspect of the contemporary suspended kitchen is definitely one of the main strengths of this type of configuration. Another advantage not to be overlooked is the ease of cleaning. Being able to have modules raised from the ground allows easier and deeper cleaning, and ensures a high level of hygiene, which in this room of the house is essential.

Modern suspended kitchens are also ideal for those who have installed underfloor heating in the house. In fact, having raised furniture allows better circulation of hot air and helps to have a more uniform temperature inside the room.

In the face of so many important advantages, the suspended kitchens of modern style also have disadvantages, which should not be underestimated. The structure of the room is a first element to consider. The fact that a large part of the weight of the kitchen is discharged on the walls means that you can install a suspended kitchen only in the presence of a load-bearing wall. In case there is a partition wall, you need to evaluate its resistance capacity.

The position of drains and fixtures can also be a constraint to the installation of a modern suspended kitchen, especially if you have to renovate the space. Another element to consider is the need to integrate within the modules of the kitchen also appliances. While for small appliances, such as the oven, there are no major problems, the installation of the dishwasher may present some difficulty.

Among the most obvious disadvantages of suspended kitchens, should also be included the smaller amount of space offered for the storage of dishes, pots and pans and household linen. Compared to what happens with traditional kitchens, in suspended kitchens there is the need to keep the structure light and slender. This leads to drawers and compartments that are less deep and, therefore, less spacious.

What are the ideal configurations of modern suspended kitchens?

Among the positive aspects of the most modern suspended kitchens is definitely the great freedom of customization. Depending on the size of the room, you can reason about the possibility of installing a corner kitchen, with only a few suspended elements, or distribute the furniture on several walls of the room, combining suspended elements with floor elements.

To balance the lower storage capacity of the suspended modules, you can enrich the kitchen with a central or side island, which can be used both as a work surface and as an extra space in which to store utensils.

In the design of a modern suspended kitchen, then, the lighting plays a very important role. Light can be used to bring out the design of the kitchen and to emphasize the aspects that make it special. Lights can highlight, for example, the presence of open compartments or can highlight the lower part of the furniture and thus emphasize the gap with the floor.

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