Il Piccolo Blog

Modern sliding closets: how to choose the right model for your needs?

Modern sliding closets

Modern sliding closets represent a flexible furniture solution, which is able to adapt to different home realities. You can successfully resort to this type of closet even in the presence of structural constraints or to furnish spaces located in various types of housing. In addition, the modern style of this furniture facilitates coexistence even with more classic style furniture.

The advantages that derive from the choice of a modern sliding closet are objectively numerous, but in order to obtain a satisfactory result you still need to pay attention to how you design the interior. So let’s try to understand what are the elements that you need to focus on to make correct decisions.

Why furnish with sliding closets in modern style?

The benefits offered by sliding closets are so many that this solution has ousted the hinged door closets, especially in rooms furnished in modern style.

Sliding closets are loved above all because they have a reduced footprint compared to hinged door models. This is an advantage in all situations where the space to be furnished is limited, as may be the case of a guest room or a basement, but also when there are structural constraints that would make it difficult to open the doors, as in the presence of irregular ceilings or columns or walls to which the cabinet is leaning.

Another important advantage offered by modern sliding closets is the versatility of their structure. They are often modular furniture, which can be assembled by combining different modules. In this way, everyone can create a kind of custom-made closet, designed taking into account their needs for wardrobe organization.

When thinking about a closet with sliding doors, you should not limit yourself to consider only closets with a closed structure. The availability of many different modules allows you to configure closets that alternate visible elements with elements protected by doors. Thanks to this flexibility, the organization of space is optimal and you can get a high degree of customization.

When are modern style sliding closets the ideal furniture solution?

The space in the house where it is most common to find a modern closet with sliding doors is definitely the bedroom. Insert the closet in the room is a rather traditional choice and resists even in contexts in which you have chosen to furnish with contemporary style furniture.

Alternatively, you can decide to keep separate the spaces in which to rest and in which to dress and obtain, usually near the bedroom, a dedicated walk-in closet. An ideal modern sliding walk-in closet should feature modules with exposed shelves and drawers and full-length mirror effect doors.

Especially in large houses that are developed on several floors, it can be very useful to have additional closets, in which to store the household linen, a part of clothes and various objects. Thanks to their clean lines and essential structure, modern sliding closets represent excellent furnishing solutions to gain space in a basement or in a corridor.

If you choose a made-to-measure project, you can exploit all the space available, creating structures that reach the ceiling or that fit into niches or corners that would otherwise be difficult to furnish.

What should be considered when choosing a modern sliding closet?

Wood remains the main material used for the realization of closets, whatever structure they have. In models with sliding doors and in modern style, the trend is to use light colored woods or woods painted with neutral tones, with pastel colors or with more pronounced nuances. The structure of the closet must then be durable and resistant, but at the same time must have lightweight doors, easy to move.

As far as dimensions are concerned, the choice regarding the number of doors and the height of the cabinet will vary according to the size of the space to be furnished. Modules can be combined creating linear, angular structures or adding bridge elements. The choice is wide.

You can customize the look of the modern sliding closet by adding mirrors or decorative elements, which give movement to the structure. In addition to inserting full-height mirrored doors, you can create pleasant and original designs, combining the mirror with wooden elements. In addition to this, the presence of mirrors also helps to reflect light and contributes to the brightness and coziness of the space.

The most modern structures also combine wood with other materials such as metal or glass, making the closet more and more the protagonist of the decor of the room. In any case, the closet must be consistent with the style chosen for the house. From this point of view, it ranges from very simple models on the aesthetic level used in Nordic and minimal styles, to those with a more refined look used in industrial style homes. No problem: if you are guided by a true expert in interior design, choosing the ideal modern sliding closets for your home becomes easier and gives great satisfaction!

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