Il Piccolo Blog

Modern made-to-measure furniture: all the advice for a correct choice

When choosing custom-made modern furniture, several elements must be taken into account. For example, you need to think about the type of space to be furnished, how it will be used in everyday life and take into account the style and preferences of the people living in the house. All of these things form the basis of a successful choice.

Evaluate how the rooms will be used

The starting point for designing custom-made furniture is to study the structure and organisation of the spaces. This serves to understand how they will be used. This means taking into account the habits of those who live in the house and the possible changes that will involve the environment over time. At this stage, it is necessary not only to consider the uses of the rooms, but also how they may change according to the habits and needs of the inhabitants.

When designing the living room, for example, if the hosts are fans of cinema and TV series, a custom-made piece of furniture can be designed to reserve sufficient space for TVs, Hi-Fi systems, DVDs and box sets. For video game fans, on the other hand, space must be provided for consoles and games. As well as a comfortable place for gamers, of course.

The same reasoning applies to all other rooms in the house. Designing spaces according to use is essential to ensure an efficient and functional environment. And to ensure the comfort of the people living in the house or flat.

Plan according to space

When planning the design of modern bespoke furniture, you must naturally think according to the space you need to furnish. The project must be conducted on two levels. Firstly, you need to consider the type of house you are going to furnish (constraints and possibilities are different in a loft or a flat). Secondly, you need to consider the size and layout of the individual room.

Taking measurements is the most important step of all and requires particular precision. You need to consider not only the space that will be occupied by the furniture, but also the space taken up by the opening of any doors. Or the space that needs to be left for people to pass through.

It must also be ensured that the design provides a good balance between free space and space occupied by furniture. This will ensure that the room is well lit and that the overall result is harmonious.

Be inspired by the context

Broadening your horizon and considering the context in which your home is set can be an important source of inspiration. In fact, designing custom furniture for your place of residence or a second home requires different work.

The type of environment in which the house is located also has an influence on the project: custom-made furniture for a house by the sea can be profoundly different from that designed for a house in the mountains. In short: customisation is the watchword. Made-to-measure furniture achieves its objectives only when the designer and the craftsmen involved know how to fully immerse themselves in the specific need.

Maximum attention to materials and finishes

Combining different materials and finishes can give very different results. When designing custom-made furniture, it is therefore essential to consider several alternatives, using different types of materials and different lines. In this way, it will be possible to identify the solution that best suits the space and meets the customer’s requests and tastes.

In this phase, you can consider the qualities and merits of different types of wood, assess the addition of elements in metal or synthetic materials, choose what type of textiles to use for sofas and curtains and define down to the last detail how the various components will be assembled.

By carefully weighing up all (or almost all) of the possibilities available, it is possible to come close to perfection and to create a piece of furniture that is not only tailor-made, but exactly in line with the initial requirements.

Combine customer requirements with interior design trends

Once you have gathered ideas from considering the context and characteristics of the space, you can move on to the actual planning. Here you can draw on memories, sources of inspiration and old projects, to take inspiration from brilliant solutions you have encountered along the way. As always, everything needs to be put into context.

Also take a look at the latest interior design trends: knowing how the interior design industry is evolving is always important. It can inspire you and help you find the key to designing bespoke modern furniture that will impress and win customers over.

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