Modern closed bookcase: a piece of furniture in which elegance and function come together perfectly

Furnishing with a modern closed bookcase gives the home a neat and tidy look. With models that extend in height and width, decorated or minimalist doors, modular and sectional solutions, it is easy to find the model that fits perfectly in your home.
Thanks to the versatility of modern closed bookcases, this furniture can be placed in the living room, in the children’s bedroom or in the room of the house intended for smart working.
Which rooms in the house can be enhanced with a modern closed bookcase?
Modern closed bookcases are very versatile pieces of furniture that serve several functions at once. As well as fulfilling their intended function of storing books, modern bookcases are furniture that can add personality to any room in the house.
Contemporary style models often have open compartments and an alternation of open spaces and spaces protected by doors. This interplay of volumes makes it possible to lighten the appearance of the furniture and to use the bookcase to store other objects, such as vases, small works of art, photos, records and decorations.
A piece of furniture of this type can easily find a place in the living area of the house. It is no coincidence that many modern solutions include a closed bookcase integrated with the TV stand. In the living room, a composition of this kind allows you to organise the space efficiently, concentrating the furniture in a single wall.
If you work from home, you can decide to furnish your home office with a large closed bookcase. This solution allows you to keep all your work documents in order and hide them from view once the workday is over.
Modern closed bookcases can also be used in the bedroom, especially in the case of children’s rooms, where they are a great help in keeping books, stationery and even games tidy. Even in the bedroom, the bookcase can be offered as a stand-alone piece of furniture or can be integrated into the wardrobe.

The most original designs of modern closed bookcases
Contemporary furnishing styles tend to lighten furniture and deconstruct it. In the case of closed bookcases, this trend has resulted in original lines and modular models which can be freely composed. Independent blocks can compose asymmetrical structures, pyramids or abstract shapes.
In addition to floor-standing bookcases, suspended closed bookcases are becoming increasingly common. These are very elegant solutions that fit perfectly into the living area of contemporary homes.
Book lovers with thousands of books in their homes need bookshelves that take up a large portion of the room. To break the monotony of closed doors, it is advisable to opt for bookcase models which alternate closed door modules with open modules, which can be used indifferently to store books, house plants or decorative objects which add a touch of colour.
Large closed bookcases with a built-in desk (or with a ladder to be used to reach the highest shelves) combine design and functionality and allow you to recreate the typical atmosphere of a library in your home.
Before choosing the design of the bookcase, it is necessary to carefully evaluate the space available and the number of books to be stored. The choice of a high bookcase is often a good solution to make intelligent use of space and to be able to store a large number of books in a small space. Horizontal bookcases, on the other hand, are a good solution when the room to be furnished is large. Or when you want to use the bookcase also as a shelf.
Perché preferire una libreria moderna chiusa?
Il vantaggio più evidente delle librerie moderne chiuse è la possibilità di conservare libri e documenti al riparo dalla polvere e, in molti casi, dalla luce del sole. Una libreria chiusa è particolarmente adatta per libri vecchi e di valore, ma è anche utile per coloro che vogliono semplicemente che i loro libri siano tenuti in ordine e ben protetti.
Se i modelli di libreria più classici sono in legno, con ante a battente decorate e intarsiate, le soluzioni moderne e contemporanee preferiscono strutture in legno liscio, con ante a battente o scorrevoli. Anche le librerie con ante in vetro sono un’ottima soluzione per le case moderne.
Grazie alla disponibilità di librerie componibili, ognuno può comporre il mobile ideale per arredare lo spazio della casa in modo originale e personale. Si può optare per soluzioni essenziali, dalle linee pulite e dai colori chiari, oppure scegliere una moderna libreria chiusa composta da moduli che possono essere chiusi da ante a battente, vani a giorno e moduli protetti da ante in vetro colorato.
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