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Minimalist interior design bedroom, few furnishings and soft colours for a peaceful rest

Minimalist interior design bedroom

Minimalist furnishing also for a good night’s sleep

Minimalist interior design is characterised by the motto less is more, widely used not only in furniture. It is a trend, in fact, that aims to eliminate the superfluous, in order to focus on having only the essential, in a sort of renewed focus on what really counts beyond the prevailing consumerism. Combined in the home, it leads to linear, essential furniture, with carefully organised space, light colours, basic and durable materials, and quality fabrics. But how do you apply minimalist interior design to a bedroom? Or rather, how to design your room if you want to follow the minimalist philosophy?

The criteria are very precise. The basic aim is to make one’s bedroom an oasis of relaxation and serenity, where one can rest at one’s best, a goal that characterises the minimalist style, which wants to create homes where one can live well. Simplicity in bedroom furniture, where there is nothing that is not essential, goes in that direction. So, a minimal bedroom interior design assumes little furniture, fairly bare walls, airy spaces, light and, if anything, a few works of art.

The bed in a minimalist interior design bedroom : low and possibly made of wood

The bed, the central element of any self-respecting bedroom, when following a minimalist interior design, is usually placed in the centre. The environment around it is simple and rigorous, and the shapes of the bed are also geometric and linear. If possible, choose a low bed, as is customary in the Oriental style. It will provide a total view of the bedroom.

If, on the other hand, you want a somewhat futuristic and very special solution, you can include a hanging bed in a minimalist interior design bedroom. And the material? Minimalism tends to use basic ones, so the best choice is wood, which is known to be perfectly suited to every style and furniture type. It is an anti-waste material, capable of lasting over time and giving a feeling of warmth and cosiness. It lends itself to beds that are simple yet elegant and refined in their essentiality.

Minimalist interior design bedroom

Pay attention to the fabrics, let them be of quality! What about colours?

For blankets and curtains in a minimalist interior design, quality fabrics are also desirable for the bedroom. Very popular in their simplicity combined with elegance are linen and cotton. The linen itself will be as basic as possible, without squiggles, with curtains linear and simple.

The colours, both of the bed and of the blankets (which must not be too noticeable, even better if they can appear to be one with the structure of the bed itself), will be soft and light, from white to dove grey to grey or sand. These are the colours that will dominate the entire room, characteristic of the minimalist style.

Better a walk-in wardrobe than a wardrobe in the minimalist interior design bedroom

Another essential element in a bedroom is of course the wardrobe. In a minimalist interior design, it should be as small as possible, so space-saving solutions are welcome. If possible, walk-in wardrobes are preferred to the classic wardrobe in this type of bedroom. However, not solutions that allow one to admire the wardrobe, such as those in transparent glass, for example. The winner is simplicity and linearity of form.

If possible, a minimalist interior design bedroom does not include any other furniture, as it is not essential for the purpose of the room, which is to sleep and relax.

Minimalist interior design bedroom

Bare walls and few strategic lighting points

Forget posters and photographs on the walls, elements that often speak of the person sleeping in that room. When the goal is to have a minimalist room, the walls should be bare, painted in the light colours that characterise the rest of the furniture. And if you really don’t like the idea of bare walls, you can treat yourself to a simple painting or opt for a bed with a headboard. Without exaggerating, however, because too many furnishings disturb the rest.

The light points in a minimalist interior design bedroom should preferably be placed on the ceiling and be few and strategic.

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Il Piccolo, a second generation family-run joinery, opens its own showroom in Lugano. With over 50 years of experience, Il Piccolo brings with it a wealth of technical and design knowledge of the highest level, thanks to the numerous interiors designed and furnished all over the world. In particular, Il Piccolo has a wealth of experience in the design and production of several corner wardrobe models. Finally, Il Piccolo represents the world’s most prestigious furniture brands.
Our company designs, manufactures and sells the best of made-in-Italy interior design, following the customer from the design to the realisation, delivery and installation of the work, supplementing the process with a precise and professional assistance service. Looking for the ideal corner wardrobe for your room? CONTACT US!

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