Il Piccolo Blog

Between relaxation and representation, tips for living room design

living room design

The living room, a room to be lived in with family and guests

Cosy, to be the ideal place to spend your evenings relaxing, but at the same time representative to welcome any guests. It is never easy to decide how to living room design, as it is undoubtedly one of the most important rooms in the home. If others such as the bedroom are in fact lived in mainly by those living in the flat, it is different with the living room: it makes representation.

What to do if you have an open space, combining living room and kitchen?

When choosing how to living room design, the first step is to understand what it looks like. More and more often in modern flats you have to deal with open-plan lofts, where the living room is one with the kitchen, which is open. In this case, a single convivial space must be created. The living room will therefore be versatile: for example, a double-sided sofa would look very good, so that it can be used to look towards the kitchen, where the host is busy at the cooker on an island with a hob. 

It is useful to decide what the focal object will be when choosing how to living room design. Usually, the centre is either the table or the sofa, depending on what kind of importance you want to give to the various moments in the room. If the available space is large, one can also give equal dignity to the two. And next to the sofa, a low coffee table cannot be missing.

The lighting will also be designed accordingly, it should illuminate the most important points. You will need a nice light above the table, while as far as the sofa area is concerned, think of something cosy and discreet, suitable for reading or watching TV. Chandeliers are elegant and perfect choices for any room, but you need a high enough ceiling, otherwise the risk is to create something heavy. Well-placed LED spotlights are also a good solution, as are floor lamps near the sofa.

living room design

How to living room design according to size

In general, one of the factors to take into account when considering how to living room design is that too much furniture or too large a size could create a heavy ensemble, as well as too dark colours or too little light. If the living room is small, it is advisable to place various pieces of furniture, such as the TV wall or any bookcases, on the walls, while if the space is large, the sofa or table can go in the centre. When flats are small, versatile furniture is welcome, transforming the living room into a kind of office if necessary, if an ad hoc space cannot be provided.

Often one wants both a nice space where one can place the TV and a bookcase, perhaps even with space for art objects. In this case, equipped walls or double-sided furniture are widely used, which are also excellent for dividing up space, especially when dealing with a very large room or open space. And for an even warmer atmosphere, a fireplace can be added. Personal items such as photos or particularly representative prints can never be missing.

living room design

Style, materials and colours for living room design

As far as style is concerned, when choosing how to living room design you need to know whether you want something classic, i.e. with furniture that tends to be wooden, with harmonious and even opulent shapes, or you prefer modern. In this case, the shapes will be simpler and more linear, and also the materials different, from metal onwards (although wood is always liked). Glass is a material that lends lightness and elegance and suits every style, so it is always good. for sofas, very elegant is leather. And colours? If we are talking about a classic, soft tones are better, while for a modern you can dare with bright colours. But be careful that they are not too many! Black? Refined, but should be combined with other colours so as not to be too heavy.

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