Il Piccolo Blog

Kitchen inspirations: top tips for creating a functional and harmonious environment

Kitchen inspirations

Where to find kitchen inspirations? Where to find new ideas ? That’s exactly what we’re talking about today. And we’re going to give you a whole series of furnishing tips to make the best choices for the room where you prepare and consume food. Let’s start now!

You know that designing a kitchen requires a good dose of inspiration and creativity. Many aspects need to be taken into account, including the best materials to use, how to arrange the furniture, what kind of lighting to use or how to match the furniture with the floor and wall coverings.

When you are looking for your kitchen inspirations, you can browse through different furnishing styles, looking carefully at what furniture and accessories are used. In this way, with the right attention and care, you can create a functional and aesthetically pleasing room that is able to meet the needs of its inhabitants.

What elements should be taken as inspiration for designing a classic kitchen? 

Those who want an elegant and refined atmosphere in their home can opt for a classic-style kitchen. For this purpose, you can take inspiration from various styles from the past, for example mixing Baroque suggestions with neoclassical influences.

When choosing to furnish the kitchen in a traditional style, the most suitable materials are solid wood, to be used for the furniture, marble, for wall and floor coverings, and ceramic, which is perfect for tiles and tableware.

In kitchens of this type, either glossy or matt finishes can be used. It is also not uncommon to find furniture with an aged effect or with handmade decorations or carvings, which add a touch of originality to the whole. Kitchen inspirations can also come from these proposals.

As far as colours are concerned, light tones such as white, beige and cream dominate, alongside warm tones such as brown and red.

The arrangement of furniture within a classic kitchen often involves a U or L-shaped layout. Both of these solutions create a functional and comfortable environment. To maintain a uniform and refined look, appliances are generally recessed within the furniture.

What other kitchen inspirations? Those who want to give the room a classic look but do not want to give up the greater functionality of modern furnishing solutions can consider installing an island or peninsula to provide a larger and more comfortable work surface.

But the kitchen inspirations certainly don’t end there…

Sources of inspiration for a modern kitchen

Modern kitchens are usually characterised by a minimalist and functional design. When designing, it is important to pay special attention to materials and finishes. Among the most commonly used materials for modern kitchens are steel, natural stone and innovative materials such as technical ceramics.

The dominant colours in a modern kitchen are often white or neutral shades such as beige, grey and cream. Those who want to add a touch of liveliness to the room can opt for furniture in bright colours such as red, green and orange. Or they may decide to use colourful and distinctively designed accessories and fittings.

The furniture arrangement in the modern kitchen is often island-shaped, with an additional work space in the centre of the room or to the side. As far as furniture style is concerned, modern kitchens can be influenced by different styles, such as industrial or Scandinavian.

More kitchen inspirations? When furnishing kitchens in rooms with unusual features, such as small or elongated rooms, it is important to choose furniture that fits the dimensions of the room. In this sense, for small kitchens, you can use folding or multifunctional furniture, such as folding tables or furniture with pull-out shelves. For extended kitchens, on the other hand, island kitchens can be used to create a central and functional work area.

Kitchen inspirations

Other tips to be inspired by to create a unique kitchen?

There are so many kitchen inspirations. For example, to be able to design a functional and designer kitchen, lighting can make all the difference. The choice between warm and cool lighting or between direct and diffuse lighting can greatly influence the way the space is perceived.

The way the room’s furniture, floor and wall coverings are matched is also important to achieve a polished and sophisticated final effect. Making sure that the various elements in the room are consistent with the style and design you want to give your kitchen is the first step to achieving this.

For example, a wooden floor can create a cosy and warm atmosphere, while a stone or ceramic floor can give the room where food is cooked a more modern and minimalist look.

What else to say about kitchen inspirations? The furnishing styles to draw inspiration from when defining the look to be given to the room vary according to personal preferences. Along these lines, you can opt for an industrial style, characterised by metal furniture and unfinished wood, or for a rustic style, with solid wood furniture and vintage finishes. The important thing, as always, is that the end result is harmonious, functional and beautiful.

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Il Piccolo, a second generation family business, opens its showroom in Lugano. With over 50 years of experience, Il Piccolo brings with it a wealth of technical and design knowledge of the highest level, thanks to the many interiors designed and furnished around the world. In addition, Il Piccolo represents many of the best international luxury furniture brands. We design, manufacture and sell the best in design. Also with regard to La Cornue kitchens, we follow the customer from the design to the realisation of the project, integrating the whole process with a precise and professional service.

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