How to furnish a luxury jewellery store

The right furniture for a luxury jewellery store is one that manages to both enhance the goldsmiths’ products and create a rewarding shopping experience. The arrangement of the furniture and the display of the jewellery should be designed to emphasise the elegance and exclusivity of the shop. Not forgetting the help of an equally tailored lighting system.
Choose a display that enhances the jewellery
In a luxury jewellery store, it is the jewellery that must take centre stage. The furniture, display areas, decorations, lighting and showcases should be designed with the products on sale in mind. Everything must contribute to enhancing the jewellery.
When choosing the type of furniture and the layout, take into account the customer’s mental journey. When it comes to luxury items, the sales process is slower than for a consumer product. When faced with a large expenditure, the customer needs to be reassured about the quality of the investment. If the customer is a jewellery expert, they are likely to be curious about the creations in the shop and the goldsmiths who designed them. With these considerations in mind, it is important to design a welcoming interior with spaces that highlight the jewellery store’s flagship products.
It is also a good idea to provide sofas, stools or armchairs where customers can sit while they look at bracelets, necklaces and rings and while they listen to the instructions given by the jeweller. Putting the buyer at ease is the way forward.
The drawers and trays used for storing jewellery must also be carefully designed. Their size must be suitable for storage and their appearance must be refined so that they can be shown to customers when needed.
Interior display spaces should be designed with the aim of exciting and engaging customers, emphasising the exclusivity of the products. There are several options to consider. A sales table, for example, can be provided, i.e. a space where staff can personally present the jewellery to the customer. Or you can introduce display islands, distributed at different points in the shop, with dedicated mini showcases. This second solution is suitable for larger jewellery stores, which have a large number of articles and want to multiply the potential points of contact with the customer and, consequently, the sales opportunities.
Attracting customers already from the shop window
The shop window should be designed with the utmost care, as it is often the first point of contact with the customer. It is important to make sure that it is consistent with the appearance of the rest of the shop, in terms of style and colour. The lighting should enhance the jewellery and highlight its specific characteristics.
A well-designed shop window has a few selected products, which represent a taste of the collection that customers will find inside the jewellery store. The designer has to make sure that the space allows watches, sets, rings and other jewellery for sale to be displayed in an orderly manner, creating a carefully designed setting. This is a central point in the interior design of this particular type of luxury pole business.
Highlighting the beauty of jewellery
The success of a luxury jewellery store depends to a large extent on the choice of lighting. In order to bring out the best in precious metals and stones, the lighting system must blend in with the rest of the décor and create a refined atmosphere that inspires customers.
Different jewellery requires different lighting. If the jewellery collections are mainly made of yellow or pink gold, it is advisable to choose warm lighting that emphasises the more vibrant shades of gold colouring. Diamonds, platinum and white gold, on the other hand, are enhanced by cool lights, which emphasise the light colour of the metal.

Create an elegant atmosphere with the furniture
Lights, colours and the overall display route should be consistent with the luxurious and exclusive style of the jewellery store. So you can opt for a light-coloured ambience or for warmer tones, depending on your personal preferences. Wooden furniture in natural colours conveys tradition and expertise, but there is no reason why you should not opt for a more contemporary style. If the aim is to emphasise the exclusivity of the shop, you could also opt for furniture with gold metal decorations.
In any case, it is important not to mix too many colours and to ensure that the general atmosphere of the shop is one of class and refinement. The presence of excessive contrasts should also be avoided, as they can create an unharmonious result. Customer concentration should be focused, not dispersed.
Even more than in other types of high-end boutiques, when furnishing a luxury jewellery store it is important to make sure that the composition of the different elements of the furnishings and the display of the goods blend together and create a relaxing and engaging environment.
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