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How much does a house in Lugano cost? [Guide to house prices in Lugano and useful advice].

How much does a house in Lugano cost

How much does a house in Lugano cost? If you are from Ticino, you probably already have an idea of the prices. However, if you live in the interior of Switzerland or in another country, you will certainly need to understand the figures we are talking about, just to get an idea.

Well, if that’s the case, this article is for you. We’re going to explain to you how much is required for houses in Lugano. We’ll do even more: we’ll provide you with the most useful advice for making a well-considered choice. And ensure that the economic investment you make will be the right one for you and your family.

Why buy a house in Lugano?

Before telling you how much a house in Lugano costs, let’s try to take a step back. Let’s try to understand why you should go and live in the city on the banks of the Ceresio. Or why you should consider spending your holidays there.

First of all, when we talk about Lugano we are talking about a Swiss city, therefore a place that enjoys the same social, economic and financial security as the rest of the country. Lugano is also a delightful little town, which has all the charm of an old central European city. Its streets are lined with centuries-old buildings, delightful boutiques and the shops of expert craftsmen. Living in Lugano is beautiful, for the relaxed pace that the enchanting lake inspires, but also for the high quality of life that the city can offer. So, before talking about house prices in Lugano, it must be said that you can really live in peace in the city. Also because you can eat well: the Italian culinary influence is strong. And then Lugano is only an hour’s drive from Milan, one of the most important cities in Europe, known everywhere for fashion, finance and entertainment.

In short: how much does a house in Lugano cost is a legitimate question, but it must first be said that the destination is certainly a good choice from several points of view. In addition to the long-term real estate investment, guaranteed by Switzerland’s political, social and economic stability, more and more people like to live in Lugano or come on holiday here. And it is not difficult to understand why, given what we have said

Who can buy a house in Ticino?

There is another topic to be explored, before dwelling on how much a house in Lugano costs. And it is this: who can buy a property in the Canton? The answer is simple: even those who do not live in Switzerland can buy a house in Lugano.

There is only a distinction between foreign citizens who are already domiciled in Switzerland (and who therefore enjoy the same rights as Swiss citizens) and foreign citizens who are not domiciled in Switzerland (and who must therefore apply to the local authorities for authorisation). So if you have decided to come and live here or, more simply, have decided that this will be the destination of your free time, know that you can buy without too many bureaucratic constraints. Therefore, the most challenging part of the search is to find the solution that best suits your needs. This should be done within the money budget you have decided to make available for the purchase.

How do you go about finding a house in the city?

This is also an aspect that needs to be examined before talking about how much a house in Lugano costs, because it is closely linked to questions of price. There are a number of specialised agencies in Lugano, offering properties of all types and economic values: villas (which here are called “detached houses”), flats (which here are called “properties per floor”), lofts and so on.

There are also specialist websites, which group housing solutions for sale by type and price. Again, there are many ways to find your way around. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the question of home furnishing, which we will discuss in a moment. Because it hides pitfalls to which you must pay the utmost attention, so as not to lose money, time and… patience!

How to furnish your home in Lugano?
We are specialists in interior design since 1968.
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How much does a house in Lugano cost?

After these necessary premises, here we are finally talking about the prices of houses in Lugano. First of all, as you can imagine, it must be said that the economic demands of sellers are extremely variable. As in any other city, the prices of real estate agents vary according to the location of the house with respect to the centre (in the suburbs the price is obviously lower) and other factors, which are typical of any other city (the area, the type of house, the type of property the property etc.).

Despite the wide variability of house prices in Lugano, we set out to answer the question of how much a house in Lugano costs, and we want to be true to our word. Therefore, we will now give you an indicative range of the minimum and maximum costs of the various types of housing.

Generally speaking, house prices in Lugano are higher than those of houses in many other European cities or on other continents. This is because the cost of living in Ticino, and more generally in Switzerland, is higher than elsewhere. Moreover, Swiss salaries are quite high, because they have to be adjusted to the standard of living. This has repercussions not only on how much a house in Lugano costs, but also on rents. Keep in mind that renting a three-room flat in the city costs about 1200-1500 Swiss francs per month. To which you have to add the expenses (about another 100 francs per month).

So, in conclusion, how much does a house in Lugano cost? To give you an idea of the sums requested by real estate agencies, a one-room apartment starts from about 100,000 Swiss francs and can go up to 300/400,000 francs. A three-room apartment can start at 400,000 Swiss francs and reach an average of 1,000,000 francs. A villa, can cost around 1.5/2 million francs to 15/20 million francs. A loft, on the other hand, has an average price in Swiss francs that starts at 700/800 thousand chf and can go up to 8 million chf.

Annual taxes also have an impact on the cost of a house in Lugano.

Foreign homeowners in Switzerland also have to pay annual taxes, which vary from canton to canton. In Ticino, annual taxes are around 1.3-1.4% of the purchase price of the property. This figure also includes various property taxes, the tourist tax and wealth taxes. This money goes directly to the Swiss government (federal tax), the canton (cantonal tax) and the municipality (municipal tax). How much a house in Lugano costs therefore also depends on these costs.

There is more. If the flat has shared areas or facilities, an annual management fee is also required (on average, 0.5% to 0.8% of the purchase price). This price includes the caretaker’s fee, building maintenance, water, gas and electricity, insurance, maintenance fees for the garden (if any), administrative costs and a provision for the building’s renovation fund.

Beyond the question of the price of houses in Lugano: have you thought about the furnishings?

If you buy a house in Lugano, you will already find the complete furnishings in the project. This is standard practice in Switzerland. The problem is that it is a pre-determined furnishing, which you and your family will most likely not like.

Estate agents often pass it off as luxury, but when you touch the furniture, you will see that unfortunately this is not the case! All this means that you will lose a lot of time in discussions, project revisions, unexpected expenses and nerve-racking delays. Do you really want this for yourself and for the people you love? Also because these are inconveniences that inevitably end up affecting how much a house in Lugano costs. Yes, you’ve got it right: prices can go through the roof!

And this is where we at Il Piccolo CH come in. Thanks to our knowledge of interior architecture, we will support you in choosing the ideal furniture and furnishings for your home in Lugano. We will support you in deciding not only the furniture, but also all its accessories: carpets, appliances, chandeliers, paintings, glasses, cutlery, curtains, televisions, mattresses, sheets and so on.

If you choose to rely on the international experience of our team of professionals for your home in Lugano, you will have:

– A complete package, i.e. the guarantee to furnish your home in every detail, without having to think about everything yourself. We’ll take care of everything: you won’t have to do anything except tell us if you like our proposals.

– The certainty that your needs will really be listened to, and that we will look for tailor-made solutions that are ideal for your home in Lugano. – The certainty that the furnishing project of your house in Lugano will be followed by the best interior architects (our company collaborates only with the most prestigious brands, to ensure our customers the best possible result in terms of style, comfort and uniqueness).

Not convinced by your estate agency?

We can do more than that. Do you want to buy a villa or a flat, but you are not convinced by the solutions they have proposed? Have they offered you houses at prices that don’t work for you? Have you noticed any other kind of problem that has made you unhappy?

We know the Ticino and Swiss property market inside out. We know how much a house in Lugano costs and what types of housing are available. We will therefore be able to advise you on a transparent and safe real estate agency, which will support you in your choice, proposing suitable offers for your needs. We have been operating in Lugano and in Ticino for many years: we have therefore selected a small number of real estate agencies that are reliable and extremely professional.

In conclusion…

We have reached the end of our long article. In this guide, we have answered your question about how much does a house in Lugano cost. We have also done more, giving you valuable tips on house prices, but also on how to furnish a house without any nasty surprises. After all, if you come from outside Ticino, you don’t know how the property market works in this Canton. You therefore need a serious and reliable interlocutor to guide you in choosing the right price. And who can guide you in furnishing your home with the style and quality you dream of and deserve.

How to furnish your home in Lugano?
We are specialists in interior design since 1968.
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