Flat renovation tips: the complete guide to the perfect makeover

What are the best flat renovation tips, loft or villa? Today’s post is dedicated to this topic, one of the most complex in interior design, because renovating a house (https://www.ilpiccolodesign.it/ristrutturare-casa) is always a delicate operation.
In this sense, it is necessary to avoid making gross mistakes, which is why we have created the following step-by-step guide. Happy reading, in the hope of giving you the tips you were looking for!
Before flat renovation tips: the basics
Beyond the tips that can be given, renovating a flat is a fascinating and complex adventure, a journey that transforms the home space into a new personal narrative, i.e. into a visual experience that reflects the soul and style of the person living there.
Il Piccolo, as an interior designer with over 50 years of experience in high-level interior design, has accompanied dozens of clients on this journey, which goes far beyond the simple reorganisation of spaces. The first and fundamental phase is strategic planning, a moment of deep reflection that can determine the success of the entire project.
What do we mean? A flat is not trivially a collection of rooms, but a personal universe that must meet precise functional and aesthetic requirements. Those who think they can save money by skipping the planning stages will inevitably end up spending more, discovering at first hand the importance of careful preliminary planning.
Specifically, analysing space strategically means going beyond simply measuring the available square metres. It means, for example, assessing exposure and natural light, understanding the habits of those who will live in those rooms, identifying architectural strengths and weaknesses. As you can see, it is a very complex job.
Some practical examples? A living room that may seem ordinary to the untrained eye is, for an interior designer, a set of opportunities to be discovered and enhanced. Every dimly lit corner can turn into a small highlight. And the same goes for any area of the entire home that is apparently unusable.
In this transformation process, the key is the ability to read spaces not for what they are, but for what they could become. It is a true alchemy between aesthetic vision and functional understanding of spaces. This is, after all, the most important of the flat renovation tips. But there are others, we will now list them.

Materials, sustainability and design: how to find the perfect balance?
The chapter of budget and sustainability deserves special attention. Renovation costs money, no doubt about that, but it does not necessarily mean that you have to empty your wallet. The strategic key is to invest intelligently, always favouring quality over quantity.
So what? Today, the market offers truly amazing sustainable design solutions that go far beyond classic solar panels or thermal insulation. We are talking about an overall approach that fuses aesthetics, functionality and care for the environment. And now we will give you some practical tips.
The choice of materials becomes a key element in a renovation. It is not just a question of aesthetics, but of choosing a real architectural language. With this in mind, a fine wood floor is not just a covering, but becomes an investment that enhances the property over time. And again: a Carrara marble floor covering is not a luxury in itself, but tells a story of research and quality. This is why favouring certified and experienced suppliers, evaluating durable materials and considering energy saving as a long-term investment is a strategic approach, which is in fact one of the most far-sighted flat renovation tips. Do not underestimate this advice of ours because it carries great weight in the redesign of your home, whatever it may be.
Let us continue with our flat renovation tips. One observation: the layout and distribution of space is the real magic of interior design. Every centimetre counts in this delicate balance where different areas must dialogue with each other with harmony and coherence. Some common mistakes to avoid? Overloading spaces, neglecting areas of movement, forgetting the importance of natural light. On the contrary, a true interior designer works like a director, drawing mentally and then on paper the movement of people within the flat, making sure that every movement is natural and almost invisible.
Lighting, then, is certainly not a mere technical detail. Instead, it is the real star of every room. So what? Generally speaking, natural light and artificial light must constantly dialogue, creating atmospheres that change and evolve throughout the day. Any tips to get the best result? Try using LED bulbs with different temperatures and colours. And that’s not all: plan variable and modular lighting points, then choose lighting fixtures that are themselves design elements.
Trends, professionalism and customisation: this is the future of interior design!

How can one give flat renovation tips without mentioning trends in the field of renovation? Well, the trends of recent years play on increasingly blurred boundaries between tradition and innovation.
Natural materials such as wood and stone are merging with the latest domotic technologies, designing environments that are both cosy and technologically advanced.
This is certainly not the end of the story. Yes, because multifunctional furnishing accessories, neutral colour palettes with strong accents, and green areas integrated into interiors are just other trends that are redefining the very concept of interior design.
For all these reasons, relying on a professional means much more than getting advice on a colour or furniture choice. It means having an interpreter who translates your personal needs into concrete solutions, who manages relationships with craftsmen and suppliers, who optimises delivery times and costs, who avoids all the design errors that could prove costly. To make a long story short: a good interior designer does not impose a style, but accompanies the client on a path of discovery and enhancement of spaces. And this is also one of the flat renovation tips that should never be forgotten.
More generally, every renovation project is unique, just as unique is the client who commissions it. Opting for custom-made furniture (https://www.ilpiccolodesign.it/mobili-su-misura-lusso) therefore becomes the key element that distinguishes a truly enviable design. It is not just a matter of following the trends of the moment, but of creating a living space that is an authentic reflection of the family that lives in it. As we said, colours, materials, shapes and functions must dialogue with each other, in a balance that tells a personal story, a way of understanding life, a precise character.
What other advice can be given for renovating a flat? Well, there are no universal recipes, but paths as unique as the people who choose them. The only really important rule is to always do what makes you feel at home, creating rooms that are a perfect reflection of your personality and your family’s lifestyle.
From what we have written so far, it is clear that a successful interior design project is not only a question of aesthetics, but also – and above all – of emotions. In short, it is the ability to transform square metres into a refuge, into a space that welcomes us, protects us and tells us stories. A journey that goes beyond furnishing, a path of discovery and transformation that involves both those who design and those who will live in the home spaces.
Our guide ends here. We hope that our Flat renovation tips has clarified your ideas and prevented you from making the most common mistakes. For everything else, we remain at your disposal to successfully help you in this difficult and demanding task!
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Il Piccolo, second generation family-run carpentry shop, opens its showroom in Lugano. With over 50 years of experience, Il Piccolo brings with it a wealth of technical and design knowledge of the highest level, thanks to the many interiors designed and furnished all over the world. In addition, Il Piccolo represents the most prestigious brands of furniture worldwide. Il Piccolo designs, manufactures and sells the best of interior design made in Italy, following the customer from design to implementation, delivery and installation of the work, integrating the process with a precise and professional service. CONTACT US