Il Piccolo Blog

Practical, functional, scratch-resistant and in a variety of colours: why choose Fenix kitchens?

 Fenix kitchens

Kitchens and Fenix, a new and popular combination

Fenix kitchens are yet another novelty in the world of Italian furniture. An innovative enhancement of modern style, its uniqueness lies in Fenix itself, a laminate like no other, the result of research into the development of materials for furnishing kitchens.

What is Fenix?

Fenix is an innovative furniture material, particularly suitable for kitchens and bathroom furniture, which was developed in 2013. It usually comes in sheets of 1mm, which is very thin. Originally from the laminate family, Fenix is the result of the application of nano-technological treatments and new generations of acrylic resins. Its effect, therefore, leaves you stunned thanks to a mix of velvety and opaque, synonymous with elegance that winks at modernity.

The uniqueness of Fenix kitchens

Fenix’s greatest asset is its scratch-resistant surface, made innovative by the concept of thermo-repairability. This means that the surface is capable of repairing itself in the event of small scratches and abrasions using the effect of heat. Kitchens in Fenix, therefore, represent an absolute novelty in the field of furnishing, characterised by a series of important advantages among which the anti-fingerprint and anti-matt surface, low light reflection, extreme ease and practicality in cleaning. It is also antistatic, water-repellent, guarantees a high reduction of the bacterial load, creates a silk effect to the touch and is suitable for contact with food.

The defects of this material

As always, there are also cons. For example, while micro-scratches are easy to remove, the same cannot be said of those caused by dragging a pan: and this often happens! Since the top or door is not a monolithic material like stoneware or Corian, it must be edged on all four sides. But the aesthetic effect is worth it!

The colours of Fenix kitchens

Customising Fenix kitchens is an exciting part of the process because one of the unique features of the material is the ability to draw on a myriad of colours to choose from to decorate the room. The most frequently chosen colours are doha titanium, ingo black, London grey and smoky white but there is no stopping you from opting for other colour options. Usually, when choosing a kitchen with this material, the preference is for a solid colour, whether we are talking about classic colours or more imaginative ones. Those who want combinations naturally have an infinite number of choices, although the trend seems to be towards solid colours.

Fenix worktop and sink

Kitchens in Fenix can have this material also in the worktop and sink. An excellent solution is to choose the same colour on the worktop and door to guarantee a monolithic effect that will make the kitchen a unique environment. Fenix sinks, the latest innovation in the field, can be customised with one of the many colours in the collection.

How to clean Fenix kitchens

In order to take care of your kitchens when you have chosen Fenix, you need to know how to take care of this material and how best to clean it. The level of maintenance is low because the surface of the material itself is not porous and Fenix has a unique mesh fixing process. It is, therefore, a material that can break down the bacterial load and can withstand both small abrasions or scratches and heat. The use of a soft cloth dampened with warm water, combined with the use of a common degreaser, is sufficient to take proper care of your kitchen. Surfaces will remain shiny and flawless for years to come.

It is important to remember to avoid, or limit as much as possible, the use of scouring pads, products containing solvents and abrasive, chemical or aggressive products, such as acetone, pure alcohol or chlorine. These products may discolour the surfaces.

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