Il Piccolo Blog

Eco-friendly office interior design is a new way of furnishing workspaces

Eco-friendly office interior design

Even in offices, nothing is left to chance

If when furnishing a house one pays enormous attention to the choice of furniture, lighting, style and combinations, the same could be said of offices. It is no longer just a question of purely functional spaces where you just work: you want them to be beautiful to look at, practical to use without penalising aesthetics. Interior designers are now also working to find the best combination to create workplaces that give energy and at the same time be representative and allow people to work at their best. The trend towards Eco-friendly office interior design, which embraces a philosophy of caring for the planet and the well-being of employees, is gaining ground.

For sustainable design, consider the entire cycle of furniture and technological elements. And well-being…

Sustainable design means something that goes beyond just using materials that do not harm the environment: it considers the entire life cycle of the accessory or appliance, from waste during production to energy consumption to how it will be disposed of. But Eco-friendly office interior design certainly does not forget aesthetics: it simply combines environmental awareness with it, for solutions that are practical and pleasing to the eye. And don’t forget the concept that a better environment allows those who work in it to feel better and produce more.

Materials for Eco-friendly office interior design, from wood to glass

Particularly popular eco-friendly materials for offices and elsewhere include wood, which is an evergreen for any environment, aluminium, plastic, bamboo, cork, jute and linoleum. Wood is natural and durable, as well as being suitable for various uses. To go even more green, one can choose recycled wood. Aluminium, made from bauxite, can in turn be recycled almost indefinitely, retaining its lustre, lightness, strength and ductility. Plastic becomes environmentally sustainable if attention is paid to its recycling. They all lend themselves well to use in desks, chairs, bookcases, various furnishings, giving, in the case of wood, a feeling of domestic warmth and in the case of aluminium, modernity and essentiality.

Marble and glass are materials that go well with Eco-friendly office interior design. The latter is making a major comeback in recent years. It is used extensively for doors and decorative elements, as well as in combination with other materials, to give lightness and elegance.

Not only materials: consumption, insulation and lighting are also central

How to use them for Eco-friendly office interior design? The fundamental characteristics do not only concern materials, but also a careful calculation of energy consumption: for example, solutions will be sought to reduce consumption for cooling and heating, through good thermal insulation, and others to create effective lighting that is pleasant to look at, that encourages concentration and at the same time also consumes little. It is known that warm light tones are better for concentration.

To promote natural brightness, smart windows are also popular, smart windows that darken according to external light, preventing overheating.

Don’t overlook greenery and harmony

A green office must convey an image of well-being. Eco-friendly office interior design therefore chooses furniture that gives an impression of harmony and lightness, not heaviness and opulence, as was perhaps used in the past to confer authority. They like open spaces, where space is shared. As far as colours are concerned, the choice is wide, but often one tries not to exaggerate with colours so as not to stress the eyes and distract the mind. The use of greenery is also considered very important: plants are basic in a concept of embracing nature and are also considered central in creating an environment that can give psychological well-being.

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