Il Piccolo Blog

Cozy interior design is not about style but about living

Cozy interior design

Does style make a house cosy? Personality gives the extra touch

A home, where you live with your family or even alone, can have many characteristics. You can opt for an elegant and refined ambience that winks at classicism, or for a more basic and modern, even multifunctional one where you can relax and work at the same time thanks to smartworking. But something you should never give up is the feeling of being at ease: a cozy interior design can never be lacking, whatever the style and size of your flat, whether it is an open-plan loft or rooms with limited space. One must be able to feel comfortable in one’s own home.

The extra touch in a cozy interior design is almost always dictated by the people, if they can reflect their character and preferences in the furniture, colours and trinkets, not by the chosen style.

An ambience that speaks for itself, from paintings to trinkets

Even with the help of a designer, a cozy interior design is essential to ensure that everything speaks of the person living in the house, which is far more important than the chosen style. A modern or a classic home can be equally cosy, what is important is that they say something about the person who lives there every day. Therefore, welcome paintings that reflect passions, books and trinkets that have a special meaning, memories of travels, moments spent together and photographs.

The ideal colours and lights to make your interior design cosy

One detail to pay attention to when creating a cozy interior design is the choice of colours. To give a sense of warmth, it is best not to opt only for cold ones. They may be elegant and create pleasant effects, but they are certainly not cosy. Neutral colours are ideal and can be easily combined with various accessories and furniture. For those who want to dare something special, go for yellows and oranges, but also for relaxing blues.

The room, to be cosy, must invite you to curl up on a sofa and relax. Green light, therefore, to any touch of domestic warmth (wood is a perfect material) and solutions such as fireplaces.

Lights in cozy interior design must be created wisely. It is best if they are soft, to promote relaxation. Warm lights are welcome, spread throughout the room, perhaps from well-designed chandeliers and lighting points. Be careful not to overdo it, because bright lighting encourages activity and not rest. It is no coincidence that cooler lights are ideal for offices and places where people work and produce, not where people rest and spend time in company.

Cosy living rooms: don’t skimp on cushions, throws and carpets

In living rooms, elements such as cushions, throws and carpets are appreciated to make the room cosy. Decorative elements such as candles, perhaps capable of diffusing a cosy light or a nice scent, are also part of those details that can make an interior design cosy.

A cosy kitchen has light colours and uses wood and glass

The kitchen is the room that recalls the hearth, always and par excellence. In ancient times, an important part of family life took place there, and in recent years there has been a return to understanding it as a room not only for cooking but also for spending time. Actually, as with other rooms, any style can lead to a cosy interior design. Light colours such as cream, white or wood and cream and materials such as wood and glass should be favoured.

Cozy interior design

How to create a cozy interior design in the bedroom

And for bedrooms? Simple! These are often the rooms where one spends the most private time, sleeping and relaxing. So, choose what you like: pictures and prints depicting your hobbies, objects that are used daily. And a nice comfortable bed, of course.

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Il Piccolo, a second-generation family-run joinery, opens its own showroom in Lugano. With over 50 years of experience, Il Piccolo brings with it a wealth of technical and design knowledge of the highest level, thanks to the numerous interiors designed and furnished throughout the world. In addition, Il Piccolo represents the most prestigious brands of furniture worldwide. Il Piccolo designs, produces and sells the best of the interior design made in Italy, following the customer from the design to the realization, delivery and installation of the work, integrating the process with a precise and professional assistance service. CONTACT US!

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